
Terms of Use

Article 1 [Purpose]

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") are intended to stipulate the conditions and procedures for the use of services, the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of IMA (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and users (or members), and other necessary matters related to the services provided by the Company.

Article 2 [Definitions]

1. IMA Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"): This refers to the content, SNS, and other related services provided by the Company that can be accessed by users or members through various wired and wireless devices or programs, such as PCs, portable devices, and tablets.
2. Member: This broadly refers to customers who log in to the Company's services and use the services provided by the Company.
3. Member Information: This refers to the personal information requested by the Company on the membership application form (hereinafter referred to as the "Application Form") for membership application, as well as the personal information entered and disclosed within the service for member identification and service use.
4. ID (Unique Number): This refers to a combination of letters and numbers used for member identification and service use.
5. PASSWORD: This refers to a combination of letters and numbers set to log in to the service.
6. Content: This refers to videos created by members using the services provided by the Company.

Article 3 [Effectiveness and Amendment of the Terms]

① These Terms become effective by being posted within the service or through a connected screen, or by being notified to members by other means, in a way that members can easily understand.
② The Company may amend these Terms within the scope that does not violate relevant laws such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
③ If the Company amends these Terms, the Company shall specify the reasons for the amendment and the application date and notify members by the method mentioned in Paragraph 1, together with the current Terms, from 7 days before the application date to the day before the application date. However, important changes related to the rights or obligations of members shall be notified at least 30 days in advance and sent to the member's registered email.
④ If the Company notifies or informs members of the amended Terms according to Paragraph 3, and the member does not explicitly express an objection, the member is considered to have agreed to the amended Terms.
⑤ Members who do not agree with the amended Terms may stop using the service and terminate the use contract.
⑥ Registering as a member and logging in to the service means agreeing to visit the service regularly to check for changes to the Terms. The Company is not responsible for any damages to the member caused by not being aware of the changes to the Terms.

Article 4 [Supplementary Provisions]

Matters not specified in these Terms shall be governed by relevant laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Telecommunications Business Act, and the Company’s practices.

Article 5 [Formation of the Use Agreement]

① The service use agreement is established when a member completes the membership application by filling out member information (email address, password, nickname, etc.) according to the form prescribed by the Company, and the Company approves this application.
② When a membership applicant submits their member information, it is considered as having understood the contents of these Terms and the Privacy Policy displayed on the membership registration screen, and agreeing to comply with the various policies (copyright policy, operating policy, etc.) operated by the Company for service use and any notices made from time to time.

Article 6 [Approval and Restriction of Use Application]

① The Company will approve the use of the service for the membership applicant in the order of receipt unless there is a business or technical obstacle.
② If a member applies for use with fraudulent intent or by inappropriate means, such as by using another person’s personal information, the member’s ID may be terminated without prior notice, and the member may be subject to legal penalties according to relevant laws.
③ The Company may not approve the following use applications:
  1. If it is technically impossible to provide the service
  2. If the application form is incomplete or contains errors
  3. If the application is made to disrupt social order or public morals
  4. If the applicant has previously lost membership status due to their own fault (except for cases where more than six months have passed since the loss of membership status and the applicant has received approval for re-registration)
  5. If the applicant does not meet other conditions set by the Company
④ The Company may differentiate the use of the service by categorizing members by type and grade, setting usage times, usage frequency, and service menus accordingly.
⑤ The Company may not approve the application for conversion to an expert if it conflicts with the Company's business, technical, or service operation policies.

Article 7 [Change of Member Information]

① Members can view and edit their personal information at any time through the service.
② If a member's information changes while using the service, the member must update the information on the personal information settings screen or notify the Company of the changes through customer service.
③ Members are responsible for any consequences arising from not updating their information.
④ If an expert changes their information submitted to the Company, the updated information must pass the Company’s review to be reflected in the service.

Article 8 [Use of the Service]

① The Company will start providing the service from the time it approves the member’s use application.
② If the Company cannot start the service due to business or technical issues, it will notify members through the service or by other means.
③ The principle is that the service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, the service may be temporarily suspended due to the Company’s business, technical reasons, or service operation policies. In such cases, the Company will notify members in advance or afterwards.
④ The Company may divide the service into certain ranges and set separate available times for each range, and will notify members accordingly.
⑤ The Company may have separate terms for individual services within the service, and members will go through a separate agreement process for these terms when using the individual services for the first time.

Article 9 [Change and Suspension of the Service]

① If there is a substantial reason to change the service (including individual services), the Company may notify members of the content of the changed service and the provision date in the manner specified in Article 14, and provide the changed service.
② The Company may restrict or suspend all or part of the service in the following cases:
  1. Unavoidable circumstances due to maintenance work on service facilities
  2. When a member interferes with the Company's business activities
  3. If normal service use is disrupted due to a power outage, facility issues, or an excessive surge in usage
  4. If it is impossible to maintain the service due to various circumstances of the Company, such as the termination of a contract with a partner company (BP)
  5. If there are force majeure reasons such as natural disasters or national emergencies

Article 10 [Provision of Information and Advertising]

① The Company may provide various information to members by posting it on the service screen or sending it via email, postal mail, SMS (MMS), etc., while operating the service.
② The Company may display various advertisements related to the Company's or its partners' services on the service screen, or provide them to members via email, postal mail, SMS (MMS), etc., with the member's consent.
③ Any communication or transaction that a member engages in with an advertiser through advertisements posted on the service, or promotional activities conducted through the service, is solely between the member and the advertiser. If a problem arises between the member and the advertiser, it must be resolved directly between them, and the Company bears no responsibility in this regard.
④ The Company may send emails to members regardless of their consent in the following cases:
  1. To verify ownership of the email address entered during the application process by sending a confirmation email
  2. To verify information when the member's information has been changed by sending a confirmation email
  3. When the Company deems the information to be crucial for the member to know in the course of providing the service

Article 11 [Copyright and Other Rights]

① The copyright for content generated by members through applications within the service belongs to the Company, and members may use the content for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.
② Members may use downloaded content for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, and the duration of use is permanent.
③ Members cannot extract and use images or videos provided by the Company from the content separately for individual storage or use.

Article 12 [Company's Obligations]

① The Company will not provide a member's information to third parties without the member's consent in relation to providing the service.
② The Company will announce and comply with a privacy policy to protect member information. The Company will also establish and operate necessary technical and managerial measures to ensure security according to the privacy policy.
③ The Company shall promptly handle any member complaints related to the service. If prompt handling is difficult, the Company will notify the member of the reason and the handling schedule through the service screen or via email.
④ If a member incurs damage due to the service provided by the Company, the Company is only responsible for such damages if they were caused by the Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence, and the scope of the Company's liability is limited to ordinary damages.

Article 13 [Member Obligations]

① Members must comply with relevant laws, terms, service use guides, notices posted on the service, and matters notified by the Company related to service use. Members must not engage in activities that interfere with the Company's business.
② Members cannot engage in business activities by selling products using the service without the Company's official recognition. This includes activities such as hacking, generating profit through advertisements, commercial activities through obscene sites, and illegal distribution of commercial software. The Company is not responsible for any results or losses arising from such business activities or legal actions taken by relevant authorities due to violations, and members must indemnify the Company for any related damages.
③ Members cannot transfer or give their service use rights or other contractual statuses to others, nor can they provide them as collateral.

Article 14 [Notices to Members]

① The Company may notify members of their rights and obligations related to service use via email, SMS, etc., as designated by the member.
② For notifications to an unspecified number of members, the Company may substitute individual notifications by posting them on the service.

Article 15 [Obligations and Responsibilities for Managing ID and PASSWORD]

① Members must thoroughly manage their ID and PASSWORD. Members are responsible for all consequences arising from the negligent management or unauthorized use of their ID and PASSWORD.
② If there is a risk of ID leakage, if the ID is antisocial or contrary to public order and morals, or if there is a risk of being mistaken for the Company or its operator, the Company may restrict the use of the ID.
③ Members must not allow others to use their ID and PASSWORD. If members recognize that their ID and PASSWORD have been stolen or are being used by others, they must immediately notify the Company and follow the Company's instructions.

Article 16 [Protection and Use of Member Information]

①The Company collects member information within the minimum necessary range required for the establishment and execution of the use contract by lawful and fair means in accordance with the privacy policy.
② The Company's privacy policy does not apply to other services linked to the Company (those not operated by the Company).
③ According to relevant laws such as the Telecommunications Privacy Protection Act and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., the Company may provide member information to administrative or investigative agencies if requested.
④ The Company is not responsible for any exposure of member information due to the member's fault.
⑤ The Company principally handles the management and handling of member information itself, but may delegate all or part of such duties to a company selected by the Company when necessary. If member information handling and management duties are delegated, this will be announced through the privacy policy.
⑥ If a member wishes to withdraw consent to the use or provision of their member information provided during the contract process, they must follow the procedures outlined in the privacy policy. If the member withdraws such consent, the use contract is automatically terminated.

Article 17 [Termination of the Contract and Restrictions on Use]

① If a member wishes to terminate the service use contract, they must apply for termination on the website or application providing the service. If termination is not possible through the website or application, the member can request termination from the Company through the service page or by email. The Company will promptly process such requests as per the methods separately notified by the Company.
② When a member terminates the use contract, only the member-owned data on their personal page will be deleted.
③ The Company may restrict or terminate the service use in stages such as warning, temporary suspension, or permanent suspension if a member violates these terms or individual service use terms, or interferes with the normal operation of the service.
④ Members may file an objection to the service restriction or suspension related to service use by email to the administrator, and if the Company finds the objection justified, the service use will be immediately reinstated.
⑤ If a member does not log in for more than three months, the Company may restrict the use to protect member information and ensure operational efficiency.

Article 18 [Disclaimers]

① The Company is exempt from responsibility for providing the service if it is unable to do so due to force majeure, such as natural disasters, DDoS attacks, IDC obstacles, or communication line failures of the common carrier.
② The Company is not responsible for service use obstacles caused by the member's fault.
③ The Company is not responsible for any loss of expected profits from using the service, and is also not responsible for any damages from materials obtained through the service. The Company is not responsible for the accuracy of content posted by members on the site.
④ The Company has no obligation to intervene in disputes arising between members or between members and third parties through the service, and is not responsible for any resulting damages.
⑤ The Company is not responsible for any damages caused by the member leaking or providing their personal information to others.
⑥ The Company is not responsible for the views expressed or revealed by members through content or comments, and is not liable for any content or comments provided by members.
⑦ The Company is not involved in transactions between linked companies (hereinafter referred to as connected companies) and members conducted through links or banners on the service screen and is not responsible for the transactions.
⑧ The Company has no obligation to pre-screen or regularly review the content registered by members and is not responsible for the results.
⑨ The Company is not responsible for various issues arising from the member's computer environment or security issues outside the Company's control, such as network hacking that is difficult to defend against with current security technology.

Article 19 [Dispute Resolution and Jurisdiction]

① If a dispute arises between the Company and a member regarding the service use, the Company and the member will sincerely negotiate to resolve the dispute.
② If the dispute is not resolved through the negotiation in Paragraph 1, both parties may file a lawsuit with the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act, and the court with jurisdiction over the location of the Company's headquarters will be the competent court for the lawsuit.
③ The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to lawsuits filed between the Company and users.