Regulations for Paper Review

Regulations for Paper Review

Article 1 Purpose
These regulations aim to assess papers intended for publication in the International Metaverse Association Journal.

Article 2 Review Committee
The review committee shall be appointed by the section chair or the editorial board chair.

Article 3 Paper Publication Decision

  1. The review results are classified into four categories: "Accepted," "Accepted with Revisions," "Revision and Re-review Required," and "Not Accepted."
  2. Papers shall be reviewed by three reviewers, and based on their assessments, the section chair or the editorial board chair shall make the final decision.
  3. Papers deemed "Accepted" shall be published without modifications, or if minor revisions are requested by the reviewers, the author shall revise accordingly, and the editorial board chair shall verify and proceed with publication.
  4. Papers deemed "Accepted with Revisions" shall be provided with specific feedback for modification or supplementation.
  5. Papers deemed "Revision and Re-review Required" shall be re-assessed by the designated reviewer unless there are special circumstances, after which the section chair or the editorial board chair shall make the final decision.
  6. If a paper falls under any of the following criteria as recognized by the reviewers, it shall be deemed "Not Accepted," with specific reasons provided:
    •    Lack of originality
    •    Unclear findings or concepts, or failure to analyze or discuss them comprehensively from a different perspective
    •    Significant errors in the manuscript
    •    Violation of the association's ethical regulations
    •    Deemed unsuitable for publication in the journal
  7. All reviewers' assessments must include reasons and explanations.
  8. Requests for re-review by the author are generally not accepted.
  9. The Journal Editorial Board shall make the final decision on the publication of the paper based on the review results:
    •    If two or more reviewers deem it "Not Accepted," it shall be deemed as such.
    •    If one reviewer deems it "Not Accepted" and two or more reviewers deem it "Accepted with Revisions" or "Revision and Re-review Required," the section chair or the editorial board chair shall make the final decision.
    •    If one reviewer deems it "Not Accepted" and one reviewer deems it "Revision and Re-review Required," it shall be deemed "Not Accepted."

Article 4 Confidentiality

  1. Reviewers shall maintain confidentiality. However, authors may disclose information to reviewers.
  2. Review content shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the author.

Article 5 Exchange of Opinions
Through the mediation of the section chair or the editorial board chair, reviewers and authors may exchange opinions.

Article 6 Review Period

  1. Reviewers shall submit their review results (review opinions) to the section chair within 30 days.
  2. For urgent papers and re-reviews, reviewers shall submit their review results (review opinions) to the section chair within 10 days.
  3. If a reviewer fails to submit the review results within the specified period, they shall be removed, and an additional reviewer may be appointed.
  4. The section chair shall submit the review results (review opinions) to the editorial board chair within 5 days.

Article 7 Review Fee
Reviewers may be provided with a standard review fee.

Article 8 Certificate of Paper Publication Schedule
For papers whose publication has been confirmed based on the review results, if requested by the author before the publication of the journal, the editorial board chair may issue a certificate of the paper's publication schedule.

Article 9 Review of Objections
If objections are raised regarding the review results of a paper, the editorial board shall review the objections and notify the author of the review results in writing.

Article 10
Matters not specified in these regulations shall be determined by the Editorial Board.