Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure

Chapter 1: Membership

Article 1 Membership Registration

Those who wish to join the association must submit an online application form and receive a membership number after paying the admission fee and annual membership fee corresponding to their membership status.

Article 2 Admission Fee and Membership Fee

The membership fees for various categories of members shall be determined by internal regulations.

Article 3 Change of Membership Status

To change from student membership to regular membership, one must deposit the regular membership fee for the current year and report to the association. However, there is no requirement to re-pay the admission fee.

Article 4 Change of Organization Name or Representative

Members must immediately notify the association office when there is a change in their organization's name or representative.

Article 5 Obligation to Pay Membership Fees

Members have the right specified in the Articles of Association by paying the annual membership fee. All rights are valid until the end of the current year.

Article 6 Suspension of Rights, Expulsion

Members who fall under the following categories may have their rights suspended or be expelled by the board of directors' resolution:

  1. Those who have failed to pay membership fees for more than one year.
  2. Those who have violated the articles of association and rules of procedure of the association.
  3. Those who are found to obstruct the association's operations or damage its reputation.

Article 7 Recommendation of Honorary Members

Honorary members are recommended by the president.

Article 8 Appointment of Honorary Members

Honorary members are appointed by the board of directors.

Chapter 2: Activities

Article 9 Publication of Journals and Books

The association shall publish the journal at least twice a year and may publish books other than the journal upon resolution of the board of directors. The journal shall include members' research papers, reports on the association's activities and affairs, and other articles deemed appropriate.

Article 10 Distribution of Publications

The journal shall be distributed to all members. The distribution of other publications shall be according to the resolution of the board of directors.

Article 11 Organization of Academic Conferences

The association shall hold academic conferences at least once a year.

Article 12 Content of Academic Conferences

Academic conferences shall include presentations of papers and tutorials related to metaverse information.

Article 13 Organization of Field Trips, Workshops, etc.

The association shall organize lectures, workshops, etc., with the approval of the board of directors.

Chapter 3: Awards

Article 14 Presentation of Awards

The association may present awards to those who have significantly contributed to the advancement of academic and technological developments in metaverse information.

Article 15 Types of Awards

The awards shall be classified into the following three types:

  1. Academic Award
  2. Technical Award
  3. Meritorious Service Award

Article 16 Selection of Award Recipients

The president shall decide on award recipients based on the recommendations of the award committee.

Chapter 4: Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors

Article 17 Allocation of Duties of the Board of Directors

The duties of the vice president and directors shall be determined and allocated by the board of directors.

Article 18 Division of Work

The affairs of the association shall be handled by the directors, and for this purpose, an office shall be established, and one to two assistants may be appointed to assist in the performance of the duties of the directors.

Article 19 Convening of the Board of Directors

The board of directors shall convene regular meetings at least twice a year, and interim meetings may be convened when necessary for the progress of affairs.

Article 20 Special Provision for Convening the Board of Directors

When it is impossible to convene the board of directors for more than seven days due to the removal or refusal of the convener, the board may be convened with the approval of the supervisory agency by the consent of the majority of the directors in attendance. In this case, the vice president appointed by the board of directors shall act as the convener.

Chapter 5: Committees

Article 21 Establishment of Committees

The association may establish the following committees as advisory bodies to the president to facilitate the execution of the operations: Steering Committee, Finance Committee, Editorial Committee, Academic Committee, Operations Committee, and Special Committees as needed

Article 22 Appointment of Committee Members

The president may establish permanent committees, ad hoc committees, subcommittees, and research groups upon resolution of the society, and all committee members shall be appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the respective committee chair.

Article 23 Composition of Committees

The chairperson of each committee shall be the respective vice president, and all committee members shall be appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the respective committee chair.

Article 24 Duties of Committees

Permanent committees shall submit a report on their activities at the end of each term, and special committees shall submit a report upon completion of their tasks.

Article 25 Activities of Committees

Presentations on the activities and results of each committee shall require the approval of the president.

Chapter 6: Branches

Article 26 Establishment of Branches

Branches may be established by resolution of the association, and the following officers may be appointed:

  1. Branch President: 1 person
  2. Secretary-General: 1 person
  3. Auditor: 1 person
  4. Councilors

Article 27 Term of Office for Branch Officers

The term of office for branch officers shall be the same as that of the president.

Article 28 Election of Branch Officers

  1. The branch president shall be approved by the board of directors upon the recommendation of the president.
  2. Councilors affiliated with the branch shall be appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the branch president.

Article 29 Functions of Branch President

  1. The branch president shall attend council meetings as an ex officio member and may participate in deliberations.
  2. The branch president shall oversee the financial affairs of the branch, represent the branch, and preside over branch general meetings.

Article 30 Functions of Branch Auditor

The branch auditor shall audit the branch's affairs.

Article 31 Convening of Branch General Meetings

Regular branch general meetings shall be held in the fourth quarter of each year.

Article 32 Activities of Branches

Branch activities related to the association's operations or honor shall require the approval of the president.

Article 33 Financial Support

Branch expenses shall be covered by subsidies and grants provided by the association.

Article 34 Financial Reporting

Branches shall report their annual budgets and activities to the president using designated forms at the end of each term.

Article 35 Establishment of Branch Operating Rules

In addition to the matters stipulated in these Rules of Procedure, branches may establish branch operating rules as deemed necessary.

Chapter 7: Financial Management

Article 36 Financial Management

  1. Finances shall be provided in accordance with the Articles of Association.
  2. Financial expenditures shall be limited to the expenses necessary for operating the association, and expenditures for other purposes shall require the approval of the board of directors.

Article 37 Audit

  1. Financial audits shall be conducted annually, and the results shall be reported to the board of directors after receiving approval from the auditor.
  2. If it is deemed necessary due to opaque financial operations of the association, special audits may be conducted with the approval of the board of directors, and the results shall be submitted to the board of directors for consideration.

Article 38 Establishment and Utilization of Special Funds

  1. In the event of a surplus in finances, temporary funds may be reserved and utilized with the approval of the board of directors to achieve specific goals of the association.
  2. A special fund management committee shall be established to manage the reservation and utilization of special funds.
  3. Special funds may only be used when their purpose is in line with the objectives of the association, and their utilization requires approval from the board of directors. However, in cases requiring urgent achievement of objectives, retroactive approval may be sought from the board.

Article 39 Functions of the Special Fund Management Committee

  1. The president shall appoint one of the vice presidents as the chairperson of the special fund management committee for the reservation and utilization of special funds, and within five members, including the financial officer, shall be appointed upon the recommendation of the chairperson.
  2. The special fund management committee shall reserve and utilize surplus funds received from the financial officer and report on the status of fund reservation and utilization to the board of directors at the end of each fiscal year.

Chapter 8: Supplementary Provisions

Article 40 Minutes of Meetings

Minutes (including electronic files) of general meetings, board meetings, and respective committees' meetings shall be prepared, submitted to the association office, and preserved for three years.

Supplementary Provisions

  • These Rules of Procedure shall come into effect from the date of approval by the supervisory authority.
  • These Rules of Procedure shall come into effect from the date of approval by the general assembly.