
International Metaverse Association

Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1 (Name)

The name of this association shall be the 'International Metaverse Association'.

Article 2 (Office)

The office of this association shall be located in Seoul, South Korea.

Chapter 2 Objectives and Business

Article 3 (Objectives)

The International Metaverse Association aims to promote academic exploration of the metaverse, research presentations related to it, and the fostering of camaraderie and cooperation among members.

Article 4 (Business)

To achieve the objectives set forth in Article 3, the association shall undertake the following activities:

  1. Establishing an international platform to promote the growth, implementation, and evaluation of metaverse-related research.
  2. Facilitating discussions among scholars representing diverse nationalities and cultural backgrounds.
  3. Enhancing public awareness and participation in theories, discoveries, and applications arising from metaverse research and related fields.
  4. Contributing to the public good through domestic and international academic activities.
  5. Publishing academic journals and books, and organizing academic conferences and conferences.
  6. Any other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of this association.

Chapter 3 Membership

Article 5 (Types of Members)

The types of members of this association shall be classified as regular members, associate members, honorary members, group members, and distinguished members. Only regular members have voting rights and are eligible for appointment to positions within the association, divisions, research groups, or committees.

Article 6 (Regular Members)

Regular members shall be individuals approved by the board of directors who meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Lecturers or higher-level educators engaged in metaverse or related field education at universities, colleges, or graduate schools.
  2. Individuals engaged in research at metaverse-related research institutions who possess qualifications equivalent to those in 1 above.
  3. Doctoral candidates or holders in metaverse or related fields.
  4. Individuals who have obtained a master's degree in metaverse or related fields and have worked for more than 5 years in relevant fields or have outstanding achievements in metaverse-related research, education, or academic fields.
  5. Individuals who have worked in metaverse or related fields for more than 10 years and have made significant contributions to the development of the metaverse.
  6. Individuals who have maintained membership for more than 5 years as associate members may be approved by the board of directors to become regular members.

Article 7 (Associate Members)

Associate members shall be individuals approved by the board of directors who meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Individuals enrolled in master's degree programs in metaverse or related fields.
  2. Individuals who have obtained a bachelor's degree in metaverse or related fields and have worked for more than 3 years in metaverse or related fields.

Article 8 (Honorary Members)

Honorary members shall be members aged 65 or older who have maintained regular membership for over 15 years and have contributed to the activities of the association, as appointed by the board of directors.

Article 9 (Group Members)

Group members shall be organizations, universities, or higher educational institutions, research institutes related to the metaverse that agree with the purpose of this association, have been approved by the board of directors, and have paid the admission fee.

Article 10 (Distinguished Members)

Distinguished members shall be individuals who sympathize with the purpose of this association and have directly contributed to its development, as appointed by the board of directors.

Article 11 (Rights and Obligations of Members)

Regular members, honorary members, associate members, group members, and distinguished members may participate in association activities as specified below. However, if a member fails to fulfill obligations such as payment of admission fees or membership fees, they may not be allowed to do so.

  1. Regular members have the right to vote, stand for election, and attend general meetings. However, they do not have the right to stand for election in the year they acquire regular membership.
  2. Honorary members may be exempt from paying membership fees. Separate regulations may be established regarding the exemption of membership fees for honorary members.
  3. Associate members, group members, honorary members, and distinguished members may express their opinions at general meetings but do not have the right to vote, stand for election, or attend general meetings.
  4. Regular members, associate members, and group members are obliged to pay membership fees.
  5. The validity period of membership fees shall be from the day after the regular general meeting of the respective year until the next regular general meeting.

Article 12 (Withdrawal and Loss of Membership Qualification)

  1. Members of this association may withdraw at their own discretion.
  2. Individuals who are regular members, associate members, or group members and have defaulted on membership fees three times or more shall have their membership suspended without separate procedures.
  3. If a member does not go through the reinstatement procedure within one year after the suspension of membership qualification, the membership qualification shall be forfeited.
  4. Individuals who have lost their membership qualification due to the provisions of Article 3 shall pay the membership fees for the previous three years if they wish to reinstate their membership qualification.


Article 13 (Expulsion of Members)

Individuals who engage in acts contrary to the objectives of this association as members or who damage the honor of this association may be expelled by resolution of the general meeting.

Chapter 4 General Meeting

Article 14 (Functions of the General Meeting)

The general meeting is the highest decision-making body of this association and decides on the following matters:

  1. Appointment of the president, auditors, and directors.
  2. Matters concerning amendments to the articles of association.
  3. Approval of business plans and budgets.
  4. Approval of business reports and settlements.
  5. Expulsion of members.
  6. Dissolution.
  7. Other important matters similar to the above.

Article 15 (Convocation of the General Meeting)

  1. The general meeting is convened as either a regular meeting or a special meeting.
  2. Regular meetings shall be held once a year, preferably within two months after the start of the fiscal year, but may be adjusted by resolution of the board of directors.
  3. Special meetings shall be convened by the president or acting president upon resolution of the board of directors or upon the request of more than one-fourth of regular members.
  4. The date and purpose of the general meeting must be announced to all members at least one week before the meeting date.
  5. The method of convening shall be by written notice, email, or social media.
  6. The general meeting may be held online by resolution of the board of directors. However, notice must be given at the time of convening that the meeting will be held online.

Article 16 (Quorum of the General Meeting)

  1. The general meeting shall be convened with the attendance of more than one-fourth of regular members.
  2. Regular members unable to attend the general meeting may delegate their authority to the president or a member.
  3. Resolutions of the general meeting shall be made by a majority vote of the regular members present, provided that in case of a tie, the chairperson shall decide.
  4. Regular members who have registered for the association event on the day of the general meeting shall be considered present even if they do not attend.

Chapter 5 Officers

Article 17 (Officers)

  1. The officers of this association shall consist of the president, vice president, directors, and auditors.
  2. The term of office for officers shall be three years.
  3. In the event of a vacancy during the term of office, an acting officer shall be appointed by the board of directors for the remaining term of the predecessor. However, in the case of the president's vacancy, the provisions of Article 19, Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply.

Article 18 (President)

The president represents the association, oversees its operations, and presides over general and board meetings.

Article 19 (Vice President)

  1. The vice president is appointed with the consent of the board of directors, considering regional representation, recommended by the president.
  2. The vice president assists the president and acts as president in the absence of the president.
  3. If there are two or more vice presidents, the board of directors shall elect an acting president in the event of a president's vacancy, and in this case, the senior vice president shall act as the temporary chairperson.

Article 20 (Auditors)

  1. The auditors audit the association's business and accounts and report to the general meeting.
  2. Auditors may attend board meetings and provide opinions.
  3. Auditors are elected directly at the general meeting by no more than two people. In cases where there is a delegation from the general meeting, they may be elected by the board of directors.

Article 22 (Directors)

  1. Directors are divided into elected directors and appointed directors.
  2. Elected directors, including the president and vice president, are elected at the general meeting with a minimum of five and a maximum of fifteen members, including the president and vice president.
  3. Appointed directors include the editor-in-chief and editorial directors of journals published by the association, as well as up to ten individuals recommended by each divisional committee, appointed by the president.
  4. The total number of directors, including ex officio and appointed directors, shall not exceed 25.
  5. Directors are appointed from members with more than three years of membership as a principal.


Chapter 6 Board of Directors

Article 23 (Board of Directors)

The Board of Directors deliberates on the following matters:

  1. Approval of regular members, associate members, and institutional members, as well as the appointment of honorary members and distinguished members.
  2. Appointment of acting president in case of the president's incapacity.
  3. Establishment of divisional committees and research committees.
  4. Pre-deliberation on amendments to the articles of association.
  5. Matters related to the establishment and amendment of various regulations.
  6. Matters related to the execution of tasks.
  7. Matters delegated by the general meeting.
  8. Any other matters not falling within the authority of the general meeting.


Article 24 (Quorum of the Board of Directors)

The Board of Directors shall convene with the presence of a majority of attending directors, including the president, and decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the attending directors. However, in the event of a tie, the chairperson shall decide.

Chapter 7 Divisional Committees and Organizations

Article 25 (Committee for Presidential Candidates Recommendation)

  1. The recommendation committee consists of up to 17 members, including up to five former presidents recommended by the former executive committee, up to ten directors recommended by secret ballot by the board of directors, and the current president serving as the chairperson.
  2. The recommendation committee primarily recommends candidates for the presidency with at least five years of experience in the education sector and a membership period of at least ten years, selected through secret ballot to choose between two to five candidates. However, this provision shall not apply until ten years after the founding of this association.

Article 26 (Election Management Committee)

  1. The Election Management Committee consists of up to five members, and the chairman is appointed by the president.
  2. The Election Management Committee handles all matters related to the election of the association's president.
  3. Detailed matters regarding the composition and duties of the Election Management Committee shall be separately regulated.

Article 27 (Executive Committee)

  1. The Executive Committee consists of the president, vice president, and a few directors, with members recommended by the president and approved by the general meeting.
  2. The chairman of the committee shall be the president, and the vice chairman shall be the vice president.
  3. The Executive Committee oversees the execution of tasks decided by the general and board meetings and decides and executes all matters not requiring the approval of the board of directors or the general meeting.
  4. The Executive Committee directly oversees publications issued by subsidiary organizations and associations, excluding academic journals managed by the editorial committees and the internationalization committees of academic journals.
  5. Regulations governing the operation of the Executive Committee shall be established by the board of directors.

Article 28 (Committees for Journal Internationalization and Editorial Committees)

In order to enhance the efficiency of journal publication, the following committees are established:

  1. Committee for Journal Internationalization
  2. Editorial Committee

The Committee for Journal Internationalization shall consist of five to nine members, including the Chairperson and members appointed by the Board of Directors. It shall oversee the following tasks for the internationalization of journals published by the society:

  1. Development of policies for journal internationalization.
  2. Composition of editorial committees for journals selected as international journals.
  3. Establishment and management of funds for international journal publication.
  4. Reporting to the general meeting on activities related to international journal publication.

The Editorial Committee shall be composed of a Chairperson and editorial members appointed by the President. It shall oversee the overall process of reviewing, editing, and publishing papers intended for publication in journals published by the society (excluding journals overseen by the Committee for Journal Internationalization).

Matters necessary for the publication of each journal shall be governed by separate regulations established by the Board of Directors.

Article 29 (Research Societies and Committees for Research Society Operations)

  1. The President of each research society shall be elected through anonymous voting within the respective research society, and their term shall be one year with the possibility of reappointment.
  2. Membership in research societies shall be limited to members who have completed the membership application process of the society, and each society may recruit members based on its own criteria. The society's office shall notify each research society within one month of the membership of new members.
  3. Each research society shall hold at least two public academic presentations annually (including sessions at regular academic conferences). All research societies shall submit written reports on their annual activities to the regular general meeting, and shall report on their activities and financial status to the Research Society Operations Committee one month before the regular general meeting. The Operations Committee shall assess the activities of all research societies and provide differential support in the form of annual subsidies from the society. Research societies that fail to meet their objectives may be dissolved by resolution of the Board of Directors following an evaluation by the Operations Committee.
  4. Presidents of research societies that fail to hold at least one public academic presentation or research symposium annually must submit a written explanation to the Chairperson of the Operations Committee. The Committee shall grant a one-year grace period to the society following the submission of the written explanation. If a society fails to hold activities for one year without submitting a written explanation, or if it fails to resume activities within the grace period of one year after submitting a written explanation, the Committee shall report this to the Board of Directors, which may decide to dissolve the respective research society. If a dissolved research society seeks to resume activities, it must follow the procedures for establishing a new research society.
  5. To establish a new research society, approval must be obtained from the Operations Committee with signatures from at least 20 members. Upon approval, the newly established research society shall submit the results of its preliminary activities for one year to the Operations Committee for evaluation. After the evaluation, the matter shall be presented to the Board of Directors for final approval.
  6. The Research Society Operations Committee shall be composed of the President of each research society, the President, Vice President, President-Elect, Secretary-General, and Director of Research of the society. The Chairperson of the Operations Committee shall be the President of the society, and the Secretary shall be the Secretary-General of the society. The Operations Committee shall convene a meeting within three months of the commencement of the President's term.

Article 30 (Academic Awards)

  1. The society may award academic prizes to encourage members' academic research.
  2. Separate regulations shall be established for the management of academic awards.

Article 31 (Secretariat)

  1. The secretariat shall consist of a Director of the Secretariat and a Secretary.
  2. The secretariat shall provide practical support for the activities of the Executive Committee. Matters related to the remuneration and working conditions of the Director of the Secretariat and the Secretary shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Article 32 (Fund Management Committee)

  1. A Fund Management Committee shall be established to formulate plans for fundraising and to efficiently manage funds for the society.
  2. Separate regulations shall be established for the composition and activities of the Fund Management Committee.

Chapter 8 Finance

Article 33 (Finance)

  1. The finances of this society shall be managed through entrance fees, membership dues, and other donations.
  2. Income generated from the society's activities shall be used for the public good, and the direct beneficiaries of the activities shall be the general public.

Article 34 (Membership Dues)

Entrance fees and membership dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Article 35 (Fiscal Year)

  1. The fiscal year of the society shall follow the government's fiscal year (from January 1st to December 31st).
  2. Income from annual membership fees collected on the day of the regular general meeting shall be attributed to the next fiscal year.
  3. The financial audit for the regular general meeting shall be conducted from the day following the regular general meeting of the previous year to 30 days before the regular general meeting of the current year, and the results shall be reported at the regular general meeting.
  4. The financial audit report for the remaining period until the regular general meeting date shall be presented at the first regular board meeting of the next term.
  5. The amount and utilization of annual donation funds shall be disclosed on the society's website within four months after the end of the fiscal year.

Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

Article 38 (Dissolution)

The society shall be dissolved by a resolution passed by a majority vote of the attending members at the general meeting, with the attendance of the majority of the members and at least two-thirds of the attending members. The remaining assets at the time of dissolution shall be allocated to a government entity, local government, or another nonprofit corporation with similar purposes, as resolved by the general meeting.

Supplementary Provisions

Article 1 (Transitional Provisions)

The society shall not form any organizational structure, including the general meeting, the board of directors, and various divisional committees, until all conditions are met.

Article 2 (Execution of Duties and Interim Executive Committee)

  1. Until the general meeting is formed, matters falling under the authority of the general meeting shall be resolved by an interim executive committee composed of founding members.
  2. The decision quorum of the interim executive committee shall be a majority vote of the attending founding members, with at least one-third of the founding members present.
  3. Until the board of directors and various divisional committees are formed, matters falling under the authority of the board of directors and various divisional committees shall be the responsibility of the president.
  4. Matters that are difficult to decide or execute by the president alone shall be discussed and handled by the interim executive committee.
  5. The interim executive committee shall exist temporarily until the organizational structures such as the general meeting and the board of directors are properly established.
  6. The members of the interim executive committee shall be the founding members of the society at its inception. The list is as indicated at the end of the articles of association.

Article 3 (Name, Address, etc., of the Founding Members)

The names, dates of birth, and addresses of the founding members shall be as stated at the end of these articles of association.

Thus, to establish the International Metaverse Society, these articles of association are drafted and signed by all founding members.