Board Regulation

Regulations of the Editorial Committee

Article 1: Purpose

These regulations are established to govern matters related to the Editorial Committee tasked with editing the association's journal and other publications.

Article 2: Duties

The committee shall be responsible for formulating publication policies for the association's journal, academic papers, and other publications, as well as for reviewing submitted papers, commissioning editing tasks, and other related editorial duties.

Article 3: Composition

The committee shall consist of one chairman, two vice-chairmen, no more than twenty members, and a few secretaries, with the chairman serving as the editing director. The chairman, members, and secretaries shall be appointed by the president. However, for smooth operation, the committee may establish subcommittees.

Article 4: Meeting Convocation and Resolutions

The chairman shall oversee the committee's affairs, convene committee meetings, and preside over them, with the vice-chairmen acting as proxies in the chairman's absence. Resolutions shall be passed by a majority vote of the attending members, with the consent of the majority of the attending members required. Attendance may be delegated through proxy letters.

Article 5: Term

The term of office for committee members shall be the same as that of the association's directors. However, the term of office for the chairman of the editorial committee may be extended for up to two years.