
Regulations for Paper Submission

Article 1 Purpose
These regulations aim to publish research papers contributing to the development of metaverse and its applications or academic and industrial advancement, recognizing originality. However, papers under review or already published in other domestic or international journals cannot be submitted.

Article 2 Submission Eligibility
All paper submitters must be members of the association. However, invited contributors are exempt.

Article 3 Editorial Board's Request for Revision
The editorial board may request authors to revise submitted papers. If there is no response from the author for three months after the revision request, it will be deemed as forfeiting the publication of the paper.

Article 4 Authorship and Responsibility
The author of the published paper bears the final responsibility for its content. The first author is considered the corresponding author responsible for the paper's content, followed by the order of author contributions.

Article 5 Paper Submission Date
The date of receipt shall be the day the manuscript arrives at the association office.

Article 6 Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts should be prepared in Korean and English using Hangul or MS-Word word processor.

Article 7 Manuscript Structure
Papers should be structured in the following order: Korean title, Korean author names, Korean affiliations, email addresses, English title, English author names, English affiliations, Korean abstract, English abstract, English keywords (Korean keywords), main text, references, appendices. In English papers, Korean title, Korean author names, Korean affiliations, Korean abstract, and Korean keywords are omitted.

Article 8 Abstract and Keywords
The Korean abstract should be within 200-350 characters, including spaces, and the English abstract within 300-600 characters, including spaces. Keywords should be between 3 and 7.

Article 9 References
References should be listed in the order of citation. For journals, include the reference number, author, title, journal name, volume, issue, page numbers, and publication year. For books, include the reference number, author, book title, page numbers, publisher, and publication year. If a reference is directly relevant to the content, include it immediately after the relevant text in square brackets with the reference number inside.

Article 10 Section and Subsection Numbering
Number sections and subsections using Arabic numerals, such as 1., 1.1, 1.1.1, a), 1), (1), etc.

Article 11 Figure and Table Titles
Titles and contents of all figures and tables should be in English. Place the title in the center bottom for figures and the center top for tables.

Article 12 Review Period
The review process generally takes three weeks, so papers should be submitted at least 35 days before the publication date. For urgent reviews, papers should be submitted at least 28 days before the publication date. Papers undergo a KCI similarity check upon receipt, and if the similarity exceeds 10%, it may require revision or rejection.

Article 13 Final Manuscript Submission
Authors of accepted papers must submit their name and affiliation.

Article 14 Copyright
Papers published in the journal cannot be reproduced without the association's approval.

Article 15 Database Registration
Published papers are publicly available in databases.